14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Simple English Proper (Lumen Christi Gradual and Modal Responsorial Psalms). The Roman Missal gives us these Bible verses to be sung per the examples recorded: the congregation joins the cantor for the antiphon (printed), then the cantor sing the Psalm alone, then the congregation and cantor repeat the antiphon.

Singing the proper of the mass promotes music literacy. The Church invented music literacy for her liturgy, yet nowadays most Church musicians must hear the music of the mass before they can sing it. An illustration of how the Church uses solfege to teach music literacy is provided with the “Solfeggio” videos of this Sunday’s Introit (scroll down).

Propers in Latin are identical in both Ordinary and Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.

1974 Roman Gradual – Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite

Download pages of the Gregorian Missal: GM OT 14

Download corresponding Fr Weber’s English proper: OT14 proper ENG PW

Introit in Solfeggio:

Click to hear Introit (English antiphon – English verseLatin antiphon and verse)

Responsorial (see “simple proper” above), or Gradual (cantor or schola alone)

Alleluia Acclamation Year A

Alleluia Acclamation Year BC

Click to hear Offertory (English antiphon – English verseLatin antiphon)

Click to hear Communion (English antiphon – English verseLatin antiphon + verse)

Download Communion verses

NOTE: In the calendar year, the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (above) is typically on the same date as the 5th Sunday after Pentecost (below). However, The Vatican II change in the Lectionary resulted in the antiphons above to be drawn from the 8th Sunday after Pentecost tradition.