A Catholic Book of Hymns

At Long Beach Chant, we believe this CATHOLIC BOOK OF HYMNS can be a great reference book for singing hymns with the family at home, in devotions and also in liturgies.

1- It is traditional: those who know transmit to those who do not know yet. In Latin, tradere means “handing over”.

2- Hymns use easy melodies so they can be easily sung. See in Practicing solfege with a Catholic Book of Hymns how the most basic knowledge of solfege can help sing these hymns.

3- “Hymns are songs which spontaneously arise from the religious impulses with which mankind has been endowed by its Creator.” was the definition of hymns in the 1958 Instructions on Sacred Music (Ch.I,9). Let us aim to regain this spontaneity by learning a few of these hymns.

CLICK on these links to see a list of Hymns for ADVENT and a list of Hymns for CHRISTMAS.

Shortcut to Adoro te Devote 3-parts (David Hunt)

Examples of Hymns to be sung at low mass throughout the year.

The Church’s One Foundation:


2nd (Alto) and 3rd (Tenor) voice lines:

3-voice arrangement of ADORO TE DEVOTE by David Hunt:

Square Note transcription :

Sound file for the Melody (Firmus), 2 verses:

Sound file – 2nd voice:

Sound File – 3rd voice:

CANON – DONA NOBIS PACEM . Canons are the easiest form to sing in harmony since all voices sing the same melody, but start at different times.

“Base melody” repeating 3 times the 3 different melodies with the “Dona Nobis Pacem” words.

With a second voice joining the first voice in canon:

PANIS ANGELICUS by Fr LOUIS LAMBILLOTE, SJ below (1st line = melody, 2nd and 3rd lines = possible harmonization)

Listen to and sing along melody on the first of the 4 lines where music is written with words.

Alto (2nd line) and tenor voice (3rd line) :

Melody (1st voice):

2nd voice (Alto) :

PRACTICE SINGING “ETERNAL FATHER” IN 2-PART HARMONY: Learn the “low” part, then sing it against this melody:

Practice the “low part” (Alto line on the attached music):

Learn to sing “Faith our Fathers” in harmony. First, learn the melody :

Then learn the Alto part, find a friend to practice singing the two parts in harmony:


Learn the melody (notice the low part in the background):

“Alto” part (2nd voice):

“LOW” PART (3rd voice):

—————- SEASONAL SING ALONGS ———————–



————– LENT HYMNS —————–

—————- MAY CROWNING ——————–