Solemn Reception of a Bishop (1962 Missal)

Download music and instructions (from Mass & Vespers 1957)

The cantor or choir sings “Sacerdos et Pontifex” . Sound file:

The cantor then intones “Ecce sacerdos magnus”. The servers, choir and/or congregation will sing the Response “Ideo…” (3 times)

This Response is part of the “Ecce Sacerdos Magnus” responsory that is led by the schola cantorum (or cantor). Listen to the whole responsory below, sing along when “Ideo… in plebe suam” is sung (3 times):

After the singing of the Ecce Sacerdos Magnum, the celebrant leads the following versicle. The servers/choir/congregation replies (as underlined):

Sound file:

“… per Christum Dominum nostrum”. R. AMEN

The bishop goes up to the altar and kisses it in the middle. He says or
sings the prayer of the titular of the church (with the short conclusion),
and then the form for his blessing (Pontifical blessing), the clergy or choir answering:

V. Sit nomen Domini benedictum (Blessed be the name of the Lord)
R. Ex hoc nunc et usque in sæculum (From now on and forever)
V. Adiutorium nostrum in nomine Domini, (Our helper in the name of the Lord)
R. Qui fecit cælum et terram. (Who made heaven and earth.)
V. Benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus (May Almighty God bless you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit)

Sound file:

Then Mass begins…